
Notes from Hibernation

Things are pretty quiet here, while I concentrate on my graphic novel in the coming months.

Did want to take a moment though to acknowledge the unspeakably sad news that cartoonists Tom Hart and Leela Corman have lost their little girl, Rosalie Lightning. There’s a fund to contribute to, if you’d like to help with the practical aspects of the coming weeks, and of course, the condolences have been pouring in. This note by their old friend and mine Jon Lewis feels about right to me. These are deeply loved members of our community, and with good reason. Their beautiful family deserved a better road.

Discussion (4)¬

  1. gabrielle moskey says:

    Have you seen the new homepage on the Coach website? (probably not, unless you have a secret handbag fetish) Anyway, it has a fun animation I think you might enjoy. Happy Thanksgiving!

  2. Kat says:

    I recently found a cartoonist by the name of Stephen McCranie who is doing a really beautiful comic blog about helping artists to keep themselves motivated and in a good mindset and I thought who would appreciate this but Scott McCloud!


    Hope you enjoy^^

  3. Brad Teare says:

    I read your chapter on webcomics and it’s fantastic. For a variety of reasons I went with the new Dynamic Views with Blogger. It seems to be a fairly good format for webcomics although it is basically still in beta. If you have a minute please take a look (its a retro project done in traditional format. I am hoping to publish on paper at some point): http://subtchronicles.blogspot.com

    Many thanks for the info. I’m including a link to an animation I thought you might enjoy. You seem interested in the ability of comics to control the pace of the reader (as am I): http://cyphercomics.blogspot.com/p/movies.html

  4. Pratik says:

    Get your dose of corporate humor. Meet Mr. Konundrum & his imaginary friend Mr. Komon Sen in SHRM India’s weekly webcomic ‘Life of Mr. Konundrum’. http://on.fb.me/lifeofkonundrum