
Would you Buy a Theory from this Man?

I get the Graphic NYC treatment!: interviewed by Christopher Irving and photographed by Seth Kushner during my reference-taking mission in January.

Seth and Christopher were great hosts and also shared their impressions of Brooklyn with me. It was a pleasure speaking with and providing a subject for both of these talented thinkers.

Discussion (10)¬

  1. Al Nickerson says:

    Nice job with the article, Scott. I especially like the mentions of the Creator’s Bill of Rights, and of Will Eisner. Looking forward to your next graphic novel.

  2. picture = awesome.

  3. Cool!!! Thank you Scott!

  4. That a self portrait? Excellent work.

  5. Will Curwin says:

    I don’t know, the picture makes you look a bit like a mad sciencist. Anyway I’ve been wondering if ‘The Sculptor’ is semi-autobiographical like some of Will Einser’s fiction?

    • Scott says:

      “Mad scientist” isn’t far off. 😉

      The Sculptor is an original work of fiction, though of course there are things in the real world and in my life that inform the story.

  6. Rhonda says:

    You look like George Clooney.