
Redirecting Warm Wishes…

I’m back home from the hospital and New Orleans (see last two posts). I’ll be updating a bit erratically while I make up for lost time, but know that as long as I keep on the meds and take care of that stubborn kidney stone after this week’s Stanford lecture, I should be fine.

I was kinda proud that my “celiac artery dissection” was consistently described as “rare” and “unusual.” I wouldn’t want to get knocked flat by some mainstream, run-of-the-mill disorder you could pick up at a three-for-one sale at WalMart.

Meanwhile, please redirect all warm wishes to Randall Monroe who’s struggling with a more serious condition in his family this month. Randall’s wit, intellect, and imagination have been a great treasure for all his readers, and I know we all wish him and his loved ones better days ahead.

Discussion (7)¬

  1. Nat Gertler says:

    I’m amazed that they consistently described it as “unsusual”. Perhaps they meant “unSuessical”?

  2. “I’m amazed that they consistently described it as “unsusual”. Or maybe they meant “unzoozical”?

  3. Matthew Marcus says:

    Even your illnesses are fringe!

  4. Karl Zimmerman says:

    As of 2005, there were only 19 cases in the medical literature. It’s great how much more is known about it now!

    “Be well; do good work; and keep in touch.” — Garrison Keillor

  5. I am so glad to hear that you are okay. I met your daughters during the trip and they are amazing, taking care with one another. I shared a yoyo to cheer your youngest – at that point I still had no idea what had happened. I missed meeting Ivy at the brunch and very much wanted to – hopefully another time soon. Thank goodness you are well and safely home. My sincere best wishes to all of your family**Get well soon- Karen (a.k.a. fhionn, Mr. Zulli’s old lady)

  6. Scott, it’s nice to read your voice again 😛 Welcome back! I hope you have a healthy, speedy recovery.