
Attn: Southern California

Los Angeles Workshop

This August, I’ll be bringing the Two-Day Making Comics Workshop back to The Los Angeles Academy of Figurative Art for a fourth year.

14 hours of everything I can teach you through lectures and hands-on exercises. An intense look at the art of telling stories visually. More info on my seminars here.

The workshops welcome everyone from experienced artists to stick figure beginners. We have a great time every year, and everybody learns a lot, including me.

I just wrapped up two months teaching an expanded workshop at Clarksville Tennessee’s Austin Peay State University so I’ll have lots of new stuff to share. Wish me luck cramming it all in.

Here’s the link to SIGN UP. As always, availability is limited. See you in August!


Oh! And see the sidebar for more upcoming events. Now that I’m finally back from my long hibernation—and YES, done with the book—look for a big blog post soon with a round-up of recent and upcoming developments. It’s going to be a very interesting year.


  1. Will Kirwan says:

    Can’t wait to read the new book, Scott!